Saturday, December 25, 2010


It finally came! After all the shopping and snow and countdowns and everything else that comes with this time of year, Christmas day is here. Megan and I have had a very relaxing and enjoyable Christmas. We were able to sleep until 8:30 AM and take our time getting ready for the day's activities. We opened our presents (thanks to everyone that gave us gifts) and were very grateful for all that we received. Later in the morning, we drove down to Payson to spend time with Megan's family and open more presents. We made quite a haul this year!

Since we don't have kids, I made Megan wait at the top of the stairs so I could get her picture as she came down Christmas morning.

Megan stuffed my stocking with yummy treats: Skittles, Red Vines, Fruit Smiles, and Cheddar Jalepeno Cheetos!

I got Megan two storage containers for her gluten-free flours (see her earlier post to understand why this is a big deal)

Quite possibly my favorite gift this year. I love my wife!

Megan with all of her goods.

My 2010 Christmas Haul
Megan's parents bought us this bookcase as an early Christmas gift. We love it!

We express gratitude for all that we have received, especially the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He truly is the light and life of the world. It is His birth, on that 1st Christmas night, that we celebrate. We love you all! Merry Christmas!

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