Saturday, March 30, 2013

Banana "Ice Cream"

I definitely have the sweet tooth in this relationship. I'm also kind of obsessed with natural peanut butter. And let's face it, dark chocolate is always a good idea. Here is a healthy treat that I have quite often!

Banana "Ice Cream"

4 ripe bananas
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
As much almond milk as you want, until desired consistency

Slice bananas and put in freezer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours (if bananas are too frozen, it will not be fun to process!)
After they come out of the freezer, put in a food processor, along with other ingredients
Blend and enjoy!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A year and a half later....

Well, after a year and a half, I thought it was time to resurrect the ol' blog. It's hard enough remembering to write in my journal, let alone blog! But I'm going to do my best. I thought I'd take a different approach, mainly sharing ideas for living a healthier life. I have made a lot of significant changes over the past few months with regard to my health, and would love to share some of what I've been doing. So enjoy!
I thought I'd start things off by sharing one of my favorite breakfasts. It's so important to keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day, and it all begins with breakfast.

Protein Pancake

1/4 cup oat bran
1 egg, beaten
A splash of almond milk

Combine all ingredients and pour into a greased frying pan (I use butter or coconut oil)
Fry it like you would a pancake! I like to top it with natural peanut butter and coconut flakes, but you could also do coconut oil and cinnamon, fresh berries, or whatever you think up! Just no added refined sugar :) I love it!