Thursday, April 14, 2011

St. George Vacation, Part 1

Well, we finally made it to one of the favorite times of the school year....spring break! We wanted to take a trip somewhere, but not go very far, so we decided to go to St. George. It was apparently a good idea because we are enjoying sunshine and perfect temperatures while it's raining and snowing back home. We arrived yesterday and will stay until Saturday. Here's what we did today!

St. George Temple

This morning we did a session in the St. George Temple. It was a great experience. The temple is a great piece of history and the architecture and colors both inside and out were really cool. We went to the visitors center afterward and learned that the founding fathers appeared to President Wilford Woodruff in the temple and told him they wanted their temple work done. So he headed down to the baptistry and was baptized for 50+ people. Pretty awesome!

Isn't it pretty?

Jacob Hamblin Home

Next, we took a drive to the home of Jacob Hamblin, whom Brigham Young sent to the St. George area to be a missionary to the Native Americans. We had a cool tour of his home and property. We learned that he served his mission for 32 years! We also learned that there is a statue of him in the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City where he is known as the man with the most hours spent in a saddle in the West (due to his missionary labors, of course, but the Hall of Fame wont tell you that)!

Jacob Hamblin's home

Jacob Hamblin's saddle

Brett's a cotton pickin' fool! Haha. They had cotton and grapes growing in front of the house.
Fun stuff!

St. George Tabernacle

Next, we went to the St. George Tabernacle. I remember singing in the tabernacle on choir tour in high school and it was fun to go back. We did a nice little tour and learned some cool stuff!

Here's the inside. The chandeliers are replicas of the originals. Also, 75% of the window panes in the building are original!

Here's the top of the middle chandelier. Look very closely at the design. Can you see the owls around the outside? The tour guide told us no one is sure if that was intentional or just coincidence! It could have been a symbol used for wisdom. I thought that was pretty cool.

That is the original pulpit for the tabernacle. Every prophet up to President McKay spoke at that pulpit, and we're touching it!

This is just a big fat frog outside the tabernacle in a nice little park area!

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