Thursday, September 29, 2011

Aaaand...........we're back!

So I've decided after 4 months of absence, it's time to update the blog. Life's crazy as always, but if it wasn't crazy, would it be any fun? I think not. Work is keeping us both plenty busy. I'm at a brand new school that opened this year in Spanish Fork, and I've loved it so far. Each year brings new and exciting challenges. My caseload is pretty manageable so far, and includes a special ed preschool and a severe disabilities/medically fragile unit. Most of those students are in wheelchairs and cannot speak. It's been a learning experience everyday. I'm grateful for the chance I have to work with them this year, and I hope I can make some kind of difference in their lives! Brett is busy with school as well. It's cross country season so he has a meet about every week.
He's also busy with his new calling as Young Men President. We were kind of surprised at his call since I'm already the Primary President, but the Lord knows that He's doing. Brett's been awesome and he really enjoys the young men....however I'm not sure how he can handle those deacons :) I've been working on the primary program and each child is creating their own part, based on questions I've been asking them. I asked one CTR 4 boy last week, "Why are you thankful for your family?" and he said, "They help me start the Wii". Gotta love kids and their honest answers!
Well that's our life in a nutshell at the moment! Someday we'll post pictures and all that fun stuff.