Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Prophet Said To Plant A Garden.... that's what we'll do! A few weeks ago we finally had good enough weather to start our vegetable and flower gardens. We are doing a square foot garden in the backyard with lots of yummy stuff, like squash, lettuce, spinach, radishes, canteloupe, corn, broccoli, and other veggies. I didn't ever think it would be fun to garden, but now that we have a yard of our own, it's different. I like being out in the yard and getting my hands dirty! It's fun to go out and check on the progress of our little sprouts, which we're already getting! Yay!

Brett pouring the compost


Drilling the boards


Our radishes are sprouting! A couple other things are also starting to bud.

We also planted flowers in our front yard. We planted petunias, verbenas, snapdragons, and some other pretty things!