Thursday, March 31, 2011

Banana Muffins

Brett and I decided to make some gluten-free banana muffins for family home evening this week. We even went so far as to put chocolate chips on top of each one. Don't they look delicious? Too bad we forgot to add the sugar......not even joking.

It's GO(pher) time!

Alright, back to blogging. We had a little adventure in our backyard a few weeks ago. After the snow melted and we were actually able to see our grass again, we discovered some gopher holes around our concrete pad. There were about 4 of them. Our grass was dead also because they had eaten away at the roots. Rude! So we made a little trip to Home Depot to look at our options for extermination. The traps were too expensive, so we went with the gas. Here are some dramatic pictures of Brett lighting what looks like a stick of dynamite to shove into the hole. It was actually sulfur dioxide (or something like that). So now we probably have a dead colony of gophers under our driveway....

Brett just before the attack. (The helmet is for dramatic effect :)

Holding the weapon. (The "Giant Destroyer"). Oh the joys of spring!