Friday, November 5, 2010

Saving Springville, one CERT member at a Time

For the past several weeks, Brett has been attending CERT classes Springville City has offered. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. He learned all about how to help the community during different kinds of emergencies. He says that the big seller on whether or not he would take the class was the fact that when they finished, they got a hard hat. Who in their right mind would turn down a green hard hat???

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Can I Say?

So, last week I had almost a 14-hour day at work, thanks to lovely parent-teacher conferences. I didn't get home until about 9:40. I was exhausted and not in the best of moods. As I pulled into the garage, I noticed a piece of paper stuck to the door. Brett had written me a welcome home note, complete with pictures of pretty flowers! That's right, he got out the colored pencils and drew me a beautiful bouquet of flowers because he couldn't find any real ones at Wal Mart. It definitely made my evening! What can I say, I definitely won the husband lottery :)